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Starting a Food Blog: How-to's

If you like reading food blogs, you've probably thought of having one of your own. While there are already thousands of these sites on the web today, newbies can always start somewhere and eventually make a name for themselves. Here are some pointers you can consider as you get started:


A Catchy Name


Ask any respected food blogger. Name matters. Try to think of something witty but fairly easy for people to remember. Focus on the particular theme you want. Pasta? Will it be a review blog? Perhaps you'd like to zero in on weight loss dishes. Or do you want to make it an all-around food blog? Answering these questions can help you pick the right name. Read more about this when you click here.


One common denominator among all successful food blogs is the use of top quality photographs. If you want your blog to stand out, keep your images stunning. This doesn't automatically mean you need to get a pricey camera. For the most part, you just to have the right knowledge and skills. Try to explore camera tutorials online, particularly those that concentrate on food photography. Never ever copy or steal other food bloggers' photos. Aside from violating the intellectual property right of the original photographer, you could also be banned by search engine websites if the stolen photo's owner reports the case.


Good Content


While pictures give your blog life, the way you write is what gives it a "voice." Definitely, you have to sharpen those writing skills because that will attract you a good following. Try to be as casual as you can. That's what many people want in a food blog. If you're putting up Gourmet Persuasian recipes there, be as clear and concise as possible, especially when it comes to instructions. Remember, simplicity is key if you want to capture the interest of your visitors. To make the blog a bit more engaging, add some trivia or information, such as the food's history or maybe its nutritional value. You may even write about anecdotes from your own experiences, but avoid being too wordy.


If you choose to review food and restaurants, however, it's going to be a whole different ballgame. This is when you need to be very detailed in your descriptions while you talk about the pros and cons of the subject. Definitely, you need to be honest or people will be able to tell. This is just another way that you can build your credibility in the world of food blogging, and in turn receive a good following.


Once you have reviews all these considerations, there's one more thing you must be aware of - consistency is key. Yes, you have to practice consistency when posting, otherwise your follower may assume you've stopped blogging for some reason. Worse, even your search engine rankings could suffer. Similar data about this are disclosed at And that's a possibility you must avoid as much as possible. 

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